Deploying Java applications onto Kubernetes using Eclipse JKube
This blog is a series of blogs I started in order to demonstrate how Eclipse JKube simplifies Java developers’ workflow on top of Kubernetes. Right now at the time of writing Eclipse JKube supports the following platforms:
- Spring Boot
- Quarkus
- Wildfly
- Web applications based on Apache Tomcat and Eclipse Jetty
- Eclipse Vert.x
- OpenLiberty
- Thorntail
I will be writing blogs about deploying different kind of Java applications using these different Java stacks with the help of Eclipse JKube whenever I find time. Idea is to cover all these frameworks one by one with one blog post each and spread word about Eclipse JKube.
I’ll continue updating this page as I add more articles in future with remaining frameworks or frameworks which Eclipse JKube still doesn’t officially support(e.g Micronaut).